Massage therapy

Massage can either be used as part of a treatment regime or applied as a standalone therapy. It may be recommended in a wide range of medical conditions and situations where you can benefit from its positive effects. These include reduced muscle tension and pain, improved circulation, reduced stress level, lowered heart rate and blood pressure and improved immune function.

Sport massage

Sports massage is a technique used to release muscle tension and to improve circulation, facilitating recovery and reducing the risk of injury. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned athlete, you can benefit from treatments both physically and mentally at every stage of your sport activities including training, competition season and recovery as well.  

You can receive sport massage as a treatment on its own or as a part of your physiotherapy sessions.

Holistic massage

The techniques are adapted from Thai and Japanese massage forms.

Traditionally clients wear light clothing and receive these treatments on a mat on the floor.

Although the techniques can be carried out on a clinical couch for your comfort, we do not use any massage oil or cream, so please wear comfortable, light clothing for your appointment.