
Physiotherapy is a science-based profession that takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. You can benefit from physiotherapy at any time in your life, effectively treating a wide range of injuries and conditions. Whether you are experiencing a persistent ache in your back or a recent acute and intense pain in one of your joints as a result of an unexpected trauma, physiotherapy can help you to improve quicker and to get back on your feet as soon as possible.

My aim is to find and treat the root cause of your symptoms to reduce your pain, to restore your movements and function and to prevent reoccurrence in the future. I believe in empowering my patients with knowledge about their condition and providing them with different strategies to treat themselves on the daily basis.

Your one hour long initial assessment will involve taking a detailed history of your current injury, previous conditions and a thorough physical examination. Based on the results, we will discuss the diagnosis and formulate your tailor made treatment and exercise plan according to your goals. You will also receive your first hands on treatment and comprehensive advice to help you better manage your condition.

Your follow-up appointments may include various mobilization, massage and soft tissue techniques as well as an update of your individualized exercise program for you to practice at home.

The most common reasons to seek physiotherapy:

Neck and back pain including sciatica

Postural problems

Sports related injuries

Sprains and strains of muscles, ligaments and joints

Work related disorders

Long standing (chronic) problems

And many more

Examples of treatments offered:

Tailor made exercise programs: stretching, mobilization and strengthening

The McKenzie Method® - Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy®

Post-operative rehabilitation e.g. after joint replacement

Joint mobilizations

Functional rehabilitation programs

Balance and stability Training

Sport and soft tissue massage

Please note that all under 16 clients need to be accompanied by a responsible adult for all assessment and treatment appointments.